Django Deprecation Timeline

This document outlines when various pieces of Django will be removed or altered in a backward incompatible way, following their deprecation, as per the deprecation policy. More details about each item can often be found in the release notes of two versions prior.


See the Django 1.2 release notes for more details on these changes.

  • CsrfResponseMiddleware and CsrfMiddleware will be removed. Use the {% csrf_token %} template tag inside forms to enable CSRF protection. CsrfViewMiddleware remains and is enabled by default.
  • The old imports for CSRF functionality (django.contrib.csrf.*), which moved to core in 1.2, will be removed.
  • The django.contrib.gis.db.backend module will be removed in favor of the specific backends.
  • SMTPConnection will be removed in favor of a generic E-mail backend API.
  • The many to many SQL generation functions on the database backends will be removed.
  • The ability to use the DATABASE_* family of top-level settings to define database connections will be removed.
  • The ability to use shorthand notation to specify a database backend (i.e., sqlite3 instead of django.db.backends.sqlite3) will be removed.
  • The get_db_prep_save, get_db_prep_value and get_db_prep_lookup methods will have to support multiple databases.
  • The Message model (in django.contrib.auth), its related manager in the User model (user.message_set), and the associated methods (user.message_set.create() and user.get_and_delete_messages()), will be removed. The messages framework should be used instead. The related messages variable returned by the auth context processor will also be removed. Note that this means that the admin application will depend on the messages context processor.
  • Authentication backends will need to support the obj parameter for permission checking. The supports_object_permissions attribute will no longer be checked and can be removed from custom backends.
  • Authentication backends will need to support the AnonymousUser class being passed to all methods dealing with permissions. The supports_anonymous_user variable will no longer be checked and can be removed from custom backends.
  • The ability to specify a callable template loader rather than a Loader class will be removed, as will the load_template_source functions that are included with the built in template loaders for backwards compatibility.
  • django.utils.translation.get_date_formats() and django.utils.translation.get_partial_date_formats(). These functions will be removed; use the locale-aware django.utils.formats.get_format() to get the appropriate formats.
  • In django.forms.fields, the constants: DEFAULT_DATE_INPUT_FORMATS, DEFAULT_TIME_INPUT_FORMATS and DEFAULT_DATETIME_INPUT_FORMATS will be removed. Use django.utils.formats.get_format() to get the appropriate formats.
  • The ability to use a function-based test runners will be removed, along with the django.test.simple.run_tests() test runner.
  • The views.feed() view and feeds.Feed class in django.contrib.syndication will be removed. The class-based view views.Feed should be used instead.
  • django.core.context_processors.auth. This release will remove the old method in favor of the new method in django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth.
  • The postgresql database backend will be removed, use the postgresql_psycopg2 backend instead.
  • The no language code will be removed and has been replaced by the nb language code.
  • Authentication backends will need to define the boolean attribute supports_inactive_user until version 1.5 when it will be assumed that all backends will handle inactive users.
  • django.db.models.fields.XMLField will be removed. This was deprecated as part of the 1.3 release. An accelerated deprecation schedule has been used because the field hasn’t performed any role beyond that of a simple TextField since the removal of oldforms. All uses of XMLField can be replaced with TextField.
  • The undocumented mixin parameter to the open() method of (and subclasses) will be removed.


See the Django 1.3 release notes for more details on these changes.

  • Starting Django without a SECRET_KEY will result in an exception rather than a DeprecationWarning. (This is accelerated from the usual deprecation path; see the Django 1.4 release notes.)
  • The mod_python request handler will be removed. The mod_wsgi handler should be used instead.
  • The template attribute on Response objects returned by the test client will be removed. The templates attribute should be used instead.
  • The DjangoTestRunner will be removed. Instead use a unittest-native class. The features of the django.test.simple.DjangoTestRunner (including fail-fast and Ctrl-C test termination) can currently be provided by the unittest-native TextTestRunner.
  • The undocumented function django.contrib.formtools.utils.security_hash() will be removed, instead use django.contrib.formtools.utils.form_hmac()
  • The function-based generic view modules will be removed in favor of their class-based equivalents, outlined here:
  • The AdminMediaHandler will be removed. In its place use StaticFilesHandler.
  • The url and ssi template tags will be modified so that the first argument to each tag is a template variable, not an implied string. Until then, the new-style behavior is provided in the future template tag library.
  • The reset and sqlreset management commands will be removed.
  • Authentication backends will need to support an inactive user being passed to all methods dealing with permissions. The supports_inactive_user attribute will no longer be checked and can be removed from custom backends.
  • transform() will raise a GEOSException when called on a geometry with no SRID value.
  • CompatCookie will be removed in favor of SimpleCookie.
  • django.core.context_processors.PermWrapper and django.core.context_processors.PermLookupDict will be removed in favor of the corresponding django.contrib.auth.context_processors.PermWrapper and django.contrib.auth.context_processors.PermLookupDict, respectively.
  • The MEDIA_URL or STATIC_URL settings will be required to end with a trailing slash to ensure there is a consistent way to combine paths in templates.
  • django.db.models.fields.URLField.verify_exists will be removed. The feature was deprecated in 1.3.1 due to intractable security and performance issues and will follow a slightly accelerated deprecation timeframe.
  • Translations located under the so-called project path will be ignored during the translation building process performed at runtime. The LOCALE_PATHS setting can be used for the same task by including the filesystem path to a locale directory containing non-app-specific translations in its value.
  • The Markup contrib app will no longer support versions of Python-Markdown library earlier than 2.1. An accelerated timeline was used as this was a security related deprecation.


See the Django 1.4 release notes for more details on these changes.

  • The compatibility modules django.utils.copycompat and django.utils.hashcompat as well as the functions django.utils.itercompat.all and django.utils.itercompat.any will be removed. The Python builtin versions should be used instead.
  • The csrf_response_exempt() and csrf_view_exempt() decorators will be removed. Since 1.4 csrf_response_exempt has been a no-op (it returns the same function), and csrf_view_exempt has been a synonym for django.views.decorators.csrf.csrf_exempt, which should be used to replace it.
  • The CacheClass backend was split into two in Django 1.3 in order to introduce support for PyLibMC. The historical CacheClass will be removed in favor of MemcachedCache.
  • The UK-prefixed objects of will only be accessible through their GB-prefixed names (GB is the correct ISO 3166 code for United Kingdom).
  • The IGNORABLE_404_STARTS and IGNORABLE_404_ENDS settings have been superseded by IGNORABLE_404_URLS in the 1.4 release. They will be removed.
  • The form wizard has been refactored to use class based views with pluggable backends in 1.4. The previous implementation will be removed.
  • Legacy ways of calling cache_page() will be removed.
  • The backward-compatibility shim to automatically add a debug-false filter to the 'mail_admins' logging handler will be removed. The LOGGING setting should include this filter explicitly if it is desired.
  • The template tag django.contrib.admin.templatetags.adminmedia.admin_media_prefix() will be removed in favor of the generic static files handling.
  • The builtin truncation functions django.utils.text.truncate_words() and django.utils.text.truncate_html_words() will be removed in favor of the django.utils.text.Truncator class.
  • The GeoIP class was moved to django.contrib.gis.geoip in 1.4 – the shortcut in django.contrib.gis.utils will be removed.
  • django.conf.urls.defaults will be removed. The functions include(), patterns() and url() plus handler404, handler500, are now available through django.conf.urls .
  • The Databrowse contrib module will be removed.
  • The functions setup_environ() and execute_manager() will be removed from This also means that the old (pre-1.4) style of file will no longer work.
  • Setting the is_safe and needs_autoescape flags as attributes of template filter functions will no longer be supported.
  • The attribute HttpRequest.raw_post_data was renamed to HttpRequest.body in 1.4. The backward compatibility will be removed – HttpRequest.raw_post_data will no longer work.


  • django.views.defaults.shortcut(). This function has been moved to django.contrib.contenttypes.views.shortcut() as part of the goal of removing all django.contrib references from the core Django codebase. The old shortcut will be removed in the 2.0 release.