========================== Django 5.0.3 release notes ========================== *March 4, 2024* Django 5.0.3 fixes a security issue with severity "moderate" and several bugs in 5.0.2. CVE-2024-27351: Potential regular expression denial-of-service in ``django.utils.text.Truncator.words()`` ========================================================================================================= ``django.utils.text.Truncator.words()`` method (with ``html=True``) and :tfilter:`truncatewords_html` template filter were subject to a potential regular expression denial-of-service attack using a suitably crafted string (follow up to :cve:`2019-14232` and :cve:`2023-43665`). Bugfixes ======== * Fixed a regression in Django 5.0.2 where ``intcomma`` template filter could return a leading comma for string representation of floats (:ticket:`35172`). * Fixed a bug in Django 5.0 that caused a crash of ``Signal.asend()`` and ``asend_robust()`` when all receivers were asynchronous functions (:ticket:`35174`). * Fixed a regression in Django 5.0.1 where :meth:`.ModelAdmin.lookup_allowed` would prevent filtering against foreign keys using lookups like ``__isnull`` when the field was not included in :attr:`.ModelAdmin.list_filter` (:ticket:`35173`). * Fixed a regression in Django 5.0 that caused a crash of ``@sensitive_variables`` and ``@sensitive_post_parameters`` decorators on functions loaded from ``.pyc`` files (:ticket:`35187`). * Fixed a regression in Django 5.0 that caused a crash when reloading a test database and a base queryset for a base manager used ``prefetch_related()`` (:ticket:`35238`). * Fixed a bug in Django 5.0 where facet filters in the admin would crash on a ``SimpleListFilter`` using a queryset without primary keys (:ticket:`35198`).