Welcome to Django 0.96!
The primary goal for 0.96 is a cleanup and stabilization of the features introduced in 0.95. There have been a few small backwards-incompatible changes since 0.95, but the upgrade process should be fairly simple and should not require major changes to existing applications.
However, we’re also releasing 0.96 now because we have a set of backwards-incompatible changes scheduled for the near future. Once completed, they will involve some code changes for application developers, so we recommend that you stick with Django 0.96 until the next official release; then you’ll be able to upgrade in one step instead of needing to make incremental changes to keep up with the development version of Django.
The following changes may require you to update your code when you switch from 0.95 to 0.96:
version requirement¶Due to a bug in older versions of the MySQLdb
Python module (which
Django uses to connect to MySQL databases), Django’s MySQL backend now
requires version 1.2.1p2 or higher of MySQLdb
, and will raise
exceptions if you attempt to use an older version.
If you’re currently unable to upgrade your copy of MySQLdb
to meet
this requirement, a separate, backwards-compatible backend, called
“mysql_old”, has been added to Django. To use this backend, change
setting in your Django settings file from this:
to this:
DATABASE_ENGINE = "mysql_old"
However, we strongly encourage MySQL users to upgrade to a more recent
version of MySQLdb
as soon as possible, The “mysql_old” backend is
provided only to ease this transition, and is considered deprecated;
aside from any necessary security fixes, it will not be actively
maintained, and it will be removed in a future release of Django.
Also, note that some features, like the new DATABASE_OPTIONS
setting (see the databases documentation for details),
are only available on the “mysql” backend, and will not be made available for
The format of the constraint names Django generates for foreign key references have changed slightly. These names are generally only used when it is not possible to put the reference directly on the affected column, so they are not always visible.
The effect of this change is that running manage.py reset
similar commands against an existing database may generate SQL with
the new form of constraint name, while the database itself contains
constraints named in the old form; this will cause the database server
to raise an error message about modifying nonexistent constraints.
If you need to work around this, there are two methods available:
Redirect the output of manage.py
to a file, and edit the
generated SQL to use the correct constraint names before
executing it.
Examine the output of manage.py sqlall
to see the new-style
constraint names, and use that as a guide to rename existing
constraints in your database.
¶A few of the options to manage.py
have changed with the addition of fixture
There are new dumpdata
and loaddata
commands which, as
you might expect, will dump and load data to/from the
database. These commands can operate against any of Django’s
supported serialization formats.
The sqlinitialdata
command has been renamed to sqlcustom
emphasize that loaddata
should be used for data (and sqlcustom
other custom SQL – views, stored procedures, etc.).
The vestigial install
command has been removed. Use syncdb
The Django database API now escapes backslashes given as query parameters. If you have any database API code that matches backslashes, and it was working before (despite the lack of escaping), you’ll have to change your code to “unescape” the slashes one level.
For example, this used to work:
# Find text containing a single backslash
The above is now incorrect, and should be rewritten as:
# Find text containing a single backslash
setting no longer exists. If your settings file includes
it will have no effect; to use Psyco, we recommend
writing a middleware class to activate it.
This revision represents over a thousand source commits and over four hundred bug fixes, so we can’t possibly catalog all the changes. Here, we describe the most notable changes in this release.
is Django’s new form-handling library. It’s a
replacement for django.forms
, the old form/manipulator/validation
framework. Both APIs are available in 0.96, but over the next two
releases we plan to switch completely to the new forms system, and
deprecate and remove the old system.
There are three elements to this transition:
We’ve copied the current django.forms
. This allows you to upgrade your code now
rather than waiting for the backwards-incompatible change and
rushing to fix your code after the fact. Just change your
import statements like this:
from django import forms # 0.95-style
from django import oldforms as forms # 0.96-style
The next official release of Django will move the current
to django.forms
. This will be a
backwards-incompatible change, and anyone still using the old
version of django.forms
at that time will need to change
their import statements as described above.
The next release after that will completely remove
Although the newforms
library will continue to evolve, it’s ready for use
for most common cases. We recommend that anyone new to form handling skip the
old forms system and start with the new.
For more information about django.newforms
, read the newforms
You can now use any callable as the callback in URLconfs (previously, only strings that referred to callables were allowed). This allows a much more natural use of URLconfs. For example, this URLconf:
from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
urlpatterns = patterns("", ("^myview/$", "mysite.myapp.views.myview"))
can now be rewritten as:
from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
from mysite.myapp.views import myview
urlpatterns = patterns("", ("^myview/$", myview))
One useful application of this can be seen when using decorators; this change allows you to apply decorators to views in your URLconf. Thus, you can make a generic view require login very easily:
from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
from django.views.generic.list_detail import object_list
from mysite.myapp.models import MyModel
info = {
"queryset": MyModel.objects.all(),
urlpatterns = patterns("", ("^myview/$", login_required(object_list), info))
Note that both syntaxes (strings and callables) are valid, and will continue to be valid for the foreseeable future.
Django now includes a test framework so you can start transmuting fear into
boredom (with apologies to Kent Beck). You can write tests based on
or unittest
and test your views with a simple test client.
There is also new support for “fixtures” – initial data, stored in any of the supported serialization formats, that will be loaded into your database at the start of your tests. This makes testing with real data much easier.
See the testing documentation for the full details.
A small change, but a very nice one: dedicated views for adding and updating users have been added to the admin interface, so you no longer need to worry about working with hashed passwords in the admin.
Since 0.95, a number of people have stepped forward and taken a major new role in Django’s development. We’d like to thank these people for all their hard work:
Russell Keith-Magee and Malcolm Tredinnick for their major code contributions. This release wouldn’t have been possible without them.
Our new release manager, James Bennett, for his work in getting out 0.95.1, 0.96, and (hopefully) future release.
Our ticket managers Chris Beaven (aka SmileyChris), Simon Greenhill, Michael Radziej, and Gary Wilson. They agreed to take on the monumental task of wrangling our tickets into nicely cataloged submission. Figuring out what to work on is now about a million times easier; thanks again, guys.
Everyone who submitted a bug report, patch or ticket comment. We can’t possibly thank everyone by name – over 200 developers submitted patches that went into 0.96 – but everyone who’s contributed to Django is listed in AUTHORS.
Nov 27, 2024