=========================== Django 1.11.1 release notes =========================== *May 6, 2017* Django 1.11.1 adds a minor feature and fixes several bugs in 1.11. Allowed disabling server-side cursors on PostgreSQL =================================================== The change in Django 1.11 to make :meth:`.QuerySet.iterator()` use server-side cursors on PostgreSQL prevents running Django with PgBouncer in transaction pooling mode. To reallow that, use the :setting:`DISABLE_SERVER_SIDE_CURSORS ` setting in :setting:`DATABASES`. See :ref:`transaction-pooling-server-side-cursors` for more discussion. Bugfixes ======== * Made migrations respect ``Index``’s ``name`` argument. If you created a named index with Django 1.11, ``makemigrations`` will create a migration to recreate the index with the correct name (:ticket:`28051`). * Fixed a crash when using a ``__icontains`` lookup on a ``ArrayField`` (:ticket:`28038`). * Fixed a crash when using a 2-tuple in ``EmailMessage``’s ``attachments`` argument (:ticket:`28042`). * Fixed ``QuerySet.filter()`` crash when it references the name of a ``OneToOneField`` primary key (:ticket:`28047`). * Fixed empty POST data table appearing instead of "No POST data" in HTML debug page (:ticket:`28079`). * Restored ``BoundField``\s without any ``choices`` evaluating to ``True`` (:ticket:`28058`). * Prevented ``SessionBase.cycle_key()`` from losing session data if ``_session_cache`` isn't populated (:ticket:`28066`). * Fixed layout of ``ReadOnlyPasswordHashWidget`` (used in the admin's user change page) (:ticket:`28097`). * Allowed prefetch calls on managers with custom ``ModelIterable`` subclasses (:ticket:`28096`). * Fixed change password link in the ``contrib.auth`` admin for ``el``, ``es_MX``, and ``pt`` translations (:ticket:`28100`). * Restored the output of the ``class`` attribute in the ``